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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Writing Requires Balance

I've got tons of ideas and screenplays I want to write, but it seems that I'm suffering from a severe case of writer's block. It's not that I can't write, it's that I can't get myself to write. Everything else seems to come first. This past year I was saving a company from closing, and every ounce of my energy went into that business. Now that it's stable and I've moved to another venture -- I'm getting ready to move, attending conferences, packing, etc -- and writing seems to get put on the back burner. This is the first time I've had in months to even sit down and get caught up on my emails and my blogs.

I'm sure it's a common thing -- writing does take balance, energy, thought and focus. It's not something that is easy to just sit down and whip out a novel or a screenplay. You need to immerse yourself -- and that is difficult to do when the phone is ringing and the world demands your attention.

My hope is that since I do recognize what is happening -- that I can get myself to make writing a PRIORITY, rather than a task that gets moved from one day to the next.

I'd be interested in hearing from other writers how they deal with the challenges of making time to write, making it a priority, and what strategies can help with writer's block.

1 comment:

ClearlyLiving said...

Romay, I know the feeling. Our world is so fast paced and demanding, I too put writting on the shelf for "later". When I finally get to a point that I feel the NEED to write. I find a favorite location, and go away for a few days. No phones, no knocks at the door. I release and the words just flow! Take the well deserved time for YOU and the flow and desire just happen.